It expands the human mind and consciousness. It evolves the planetary physique as It resolves the planetary imbalance. It evolves the planetary core imbalance and resolves from expansions and renewal. We rise to higher vibrational standards via expansion of body: the physical physique, hereby renewal structure (lehmans:futurism) and exercise (fortitude and strength//of mind also) and of mind: the mental gratitude in place and mental boundaries or blockages and imperceivement in place. Unlimitizing beliefs and thus encountering a receival of unlimitizing results. The ascension or expansion of body and mind leads to a new understanding/ bringing of enlightened spirit and unknown ascension. UNDERRSTABDING DORCE. Techtonic moval. Interplanterary species, inbed population, x song appraisal. Sound of nature communication. Speaking to animals. New transportation. Will to explore new land, features and understanding that we know not. Unlocking brain/mental, physical and newer spiritual capacities/ capabilities. We see what could be and linger in the waiting at approaching this sight, when we could be doing so immediately with a change. Change brings new forthcomings. among other.
If you want earth to expand or grow at full capacity, you would take out all the structures that it has.
One fertile ball will grow and multiply/expand at its rate.
One non fertile ball will not grow/expand.
If planet expands at its full rate initially it is sturdy, even wanted and will be discovered, which apparently according to modern scientists is wanted. However, if it reaches its full capacity/rate/fullest, it is wanted no more. It ceases and is too much – share.
The size of which is at largest increases (more) its molecular integrity and core energetic strength. Eg. One stick breaks, bundle of sticks is more strong.
Removing all//a lot of non-fertile structures, such as tarmac, concrete and brick structures, pointless attributes we have here on Earth like a teacosy for a post is looked upon and should herby also be acted. Immense watering of whole planet adequately by either means of biblical size floods, natural or artificial watering. Allowed crops to grow alone without being plucked from their natural habitat – it is asmuch their homes as it is ours in our homes. (See Anima – story//Understandings)
See Policies/Agreements/Guidelines/Principals/Commandments/Understandings Below..
Let it grow.
HUB Overground. //Hub (not including cropland//gardens)
A hub arbit/s
Ran on point grid
Ports (trade/recycle~) (see Ports Below)
Blocks (incl educates+comfort) ratio 4:1 (See Blocks Below)
Healing centres (See Healing Centre Below)
Communal Idea Chambers (See block)
Information Technology Centres (See Block)
Transport Stations~ (air, land, sea)
First Transition?
Mark where hubs will be, areas. Dwellings, areas, cropland areas.
Take in consideration population, tunnels, caves, animals. What are the blocks? How many to hub, how many hub to land, what separates land is water otherwise no barrier.
Create hole going into ground and dig out these shapes underground.
Change old apartments, flat buildings tear down use material to recycle.replace building with one key necessary building
SecOnd Transition.. ???