BLOCKS (education) hobbie/learn
All subjects all bodies. Not one block for science but one block for astrophysics, quantum mechanics, specific so on. (travel for alt educats)- eg today I am in hub x where block a, b and c are and I like educat a and b so today I walk to educate at block a and b. Tomorrow I rest, while the day after I use transport to hub y because I like educats d, e and f. I return.
Schedule is as I please. If I educate at block a for 5 years or however long and a member wants my 5 year skills of block a to build home? I do this as I please as it is what I enjoy.
Scenario – person a wants a home and does not have materials or skills. Person a locates a skilled architect who designs his home because he likes to design and they agree on design that is pleasant. Person a then locates a builder who is skilled who does the architects work when and how he pleases using materials, if builder no longer wants project, then person a locates another builder who finishes the design by choice. Person a locates or is the “fetcher” of materials. The most valued person is the first person viewer (reader) always but the most value is in the materials. Person b is the person who locates and mines/ fetches gets the materials with either labor or no labor (automatic). Labor is value however is the labor you do is your chosen hobbie or your choice then it is because you love to not because you are forced, it holds little value. If you do what you are forced to – it has plenty value. No, if what is done is turning leaves it is this, if what you do is excreting liquid gold from your pores it is this. Both may have equal labor, each have simultaneous succeed.
Subject(educat) per block
Large block
X blocks per hub
Children must want to learn, not be forced.
Create your own schedule
Fun and intricate education
Types of centres/blocks
Astrophysics, metaphysics, rock climbing, comedy, philosophy, alien language, astronomy, applied cryogenics, divinations, aircraft simulation, skydiving, spacecraft engineer, swimming, trampoline , mathematics, chemistry , archery, herbology, geology, martial arts, homeopathic medicines, acrobatics, biology, marine biology, blacksmiths, architecture, electronics, beauty//&hair, etc. bare foot café (earthen ground)
Types of Blocks that are not educational blocks
Communal Idea Chamber
Information Technology Centre
Comfort Block – café x cinema x library x bedroom
Theme park