DWELLING~ Underground
Arbits in gardenland
X cubit plots w/ opt gardens (h.w.d below and above)
Ran on point grid.
Must be overground for atleast x per day// air & sunlight
Plot per person/family
All plots are equal
All plots are in point grid
All homes are underground
All gardens are above (shared) freedom of design – barren, crops, trees, bush, pond, chairs, etc. personal but also communal/shared. Code followed for all to live.
All human waste is used for crop fert
All humans sleep underground exc stargazers/campers
No one is forced to work what they do not please to. Do what makes you happy not depressed. If you put depressed energy into (if you are depressed while) you/r hobbie/work, expect to receive a depressed outcome.
One global currence, one global attitude, one global language, one global flag, one global anthem, ( I don’t like flags nor anthems but I prefer flag). One screw/screwdriver fits all//for all globe principal.
No work – do what you do for your own enjoyment, if you enjoy what you did for work then remain doing that, if not then change, do what you feel your soul. Body, mind and spirit should be doing.