Nothing in excess (do not steal x5 if you need x1)
Know Thyself (Delphic Maxims)
Surety Brings Ruin
Hermetic Principles
Law of Argument | Law of Contradiction | Law of Overlooking Controversy
Universal Laws (if it can be thought/idea or more it is existing in more of a form) (perception – look more than 1 way!! - if it does not seem doable but you try, it can be done with all you have had in the first place!) (Always certify/secure your doing- no hesitance) (There is no wrong, there is no right there is only knowing!) (Possibilism – there is then possibility for the truth – there is then possibility for wrong – there is then possibility for no truth and simultaneity no wrong (false and right) – there is then possibility that false and right grammatical words are considered right or more so known! – there is then possibility that false and wrong grammatical words are considered not known – There is then possibility that catastrophic events occur due to the usage – it is then considered possibility as possibilism (a belief that possibility is present/true/being) is known, not neither wrong nor right but known. If it is considered not known then it is considered wrong or right. – Possibility dictates that the fence is brown and white but the fence is wood or plastic //neither can occur as it is also that both simultaneously may occur next to each other. THESE ARE REALISTIC.! ….(now.. realology/realosopher/realosophocy/realosophocia.. it realism to understand reality—reality is all that is. ) (All that isn’t is never existed until now this and/or is natural e.g. smile and frown. Wouldn’t it be so unrealistic and unnatural to only have or ? – include super tautologies.
Do not kill or harm anything! Sacrifice is necessary – to which you give plenty thanks after.
Respect and Honour and Trust.
No exaggeration, nothing is funny, all is serious and literal, legitimacy. Truth. No lie
God (ANIMA) – consult story that of Annunaki
Don’t make love to plushed toys
Don’t make medicinals illegal (ones from past:cocaine present:dimethyltriptamine future: psychedelics because they are … we
Do not steal.
Do not destroy.
Do not break. (repair not replace)
Do not intoxicate (exemptions go to psychedelics)
Neural mind. No left, no right. Eyes are not corrupted.
No forcing – Freedom.
Care & Empathy & Love
Trust & Honesty
Honour & Respect (some punishment is death*** unless forgiving accident)
A form of equal with right and ones,
Wipe all Currency. (See Currency)
Wipe all Surface Land (recycle rubble)
Free Internet (all other)
Free Education (not obligatory) – encouraged to want to learn (fun & intricate)
Free Public Transport
Free Harvesting
No Barriers (Barricade Concept)
No Clothing in Public // 1 outfit per body
No known rulers, to obey that of god. Explore,explain
NO MANUFACTORING // count humans on earth – only make this quantity of 1 thing but varied. Eg 7b tables but not the same table.
No physical war, if must, then cyber war. What is a cyber wave? Psychic warfare?
No cars. No roads.
No laws, legalities, police officers, government
Declassify all files (no lie), too much information, immaculate trust.
For one person is one doctor for entirety.
Release all zoo animals?
Uniforms are for jugglers only.
To walk, not to use public transport.
Stop making plastic and cardboard?
To stop making plastic bags, only create bags that can be eaten or rot (decompose) , eg a large leaven bag. A bag which is used multiple times but not plastic, like rope that can be repurposed easily.
Flat earthen lands, cordoned/sectioned into a large shape, all next to each other. No?