Port is for the recycle, reuse, repurpose of use items. (all books, clothes, furniture, etc.) exchange ports (clear exchanging), recycle ports (actual recycling/)

Books , a book tool to laser erase letters and reprint/write with laser via spoken word or pretexted writing via file download. Usb or Bluetooth or whichever better.

All books are prepared with no title text for gift of fate and to read and to return with or without you “rewriting”. (no manufacturing books) no mass production.

Book exchange 1 for 1 principle. ?

Book recycle ports, recycles paper etc.

Clothes 1 for 1. Changing room with rotating conveyor of reusable clothes from other users there then. ( say its summer and you want to go swimming and since you have 1 outfit that is ski wear you want to exchange so you adjourn to the clothes port and locate the changing facicile where the converyor of clothes reside and you change and exchange. And leave. And return later if willing) ( we live in society where wearing swimming costume or the street is so plain like the bricks) or eg. Today you wear the cute tartan skirt with the white blouse and checkered long socks with spiked boots and berre. And tomorrow you exchange for the punk gothic metal chain necklace with the black suspenders and the black pleated skirt with the studded tights and gothic style jumper. You exchange daily, you exchange seasonally, or you are always never with clothes. Your choice. 1 outfit per body.

Clothing recycle port, upcycling fashion wear or reusing cloth material for other purposes.

Jewellery/metal ports//metal furniture, exchanging metals, reuse, recycle, repurpoe metals.

Wooden ports, furniture, etc as above.