
Cropland – land where crops grow (large quantities of cropland), all acres of land accessible with walkways for all humans to harvest. Free harvesting.

Arbits/arbitorium – idea, massive glass domed arbits/ and just regular arbits.

Trade ports/exchange ports/ports/recycle ports – a place to exchange items.

Hubs – equavailent to a capitol city centre

Blocks – educational centres for learning like schools, colleges etc, also see below comfort block

Communal idea chamber – where people commune to have ideas take place, house to hold ..

Dwellings – where cubit plots of home exist together on point grid, home below, garden above.

Commandments/understandings/guidelines/policies/agreements/unspoken rules

Educats – learned subjects

Healing centre - equivalent to a hospital, (See Healing Centre Below)

Information Technology Centres – large futuristic skyscraper, full of computers and internet. And technology. Expand.

Transport Stations~ - train station,

Planchetics – face synthetics for Orionic Grays and Races of Orionic Grays Metaphysicise – to bring spirit Metaphysicality – quality of being metaphysical. Physicalise – to bring physical or the action of physical Metaform – form meta; or spiritus Matterform – form matter. This is a slang terminology Mataform – form mata Physicality scale – having the properties of physical on a scale Bioform – life form Biokinetics – earth movements Biokinetic form – earth. Movement. Shape. Spiritus. Create. Met in method methodically is to go into and is and and cally -beautifully . or cality - is split like lambros and the I is a y and cally is kallistos in Greek which is beautiful fully full of beauty . having the properties of Metakinetic form - Biophysicise – to bring earth Anthrophysicise – to bring body Audiocineolexinoid – someone who hears and sees lore/law in forms. Graphim – light Mortspicious – suspicions or premonitions of death; much like a banshee. Materfluous – unnecessary matter Prolucivety – for lucid .plr Transpolucent – a translucent image transposed Transpose – to position movement or to change place Chromoluxify – to make light colour Transchromolucent – to move colour or move translucent colour Audioluxify – to bring or make light and sound; to make sound colour Audiochromify – seeing the colour of sound Alternaility – alternate reality Teleterpretter – distant message terpretation, delta waves are used in distant messages. This is a slang terminology. Luxsom – A wave-particle! Metavise – to vision in metaform. Reactuality – “in reactuality I believe earth constant”. It can also be an alternative or reactual universe and universal cause. Reactualise – 1st person to react.