
rocket fuel consumption////forget rockets MOVE ON How many miles does it take light to travel a year? 5.88 trillion miles. What is celeriter - the speed of light? Est. 300million Miles per second. How many Light Years away is Draco? 188 light years. How advanced is Draco? 188 years future to our present - commonality is light from our stars/ based on light. How far is Draco in miles? 1105.44 Trillion Miles. In 1977 we set off and to this date travelled 13.7 billion miles. 10.5miles per second. 35 years. 300Mm:1sec 1105.44Trm:43days Earth to Draco at c = 43days~ 10.5miles:1sec 1105.44Trm:3338.4 millennia Earth to Draco at our fastest current rate = 3338.4 millennia~ WE MUST ACHIEVE SPEED OF LIGHT ATLEAST. ~30,000Mm/sec (30Bm/s) c*1000) pi - 31.4Bm/s travel ~ 1000Trm (1Qdm) ~ 114mins//100mins > 188LY Q) 10Bm/s for 100LY? 10ly:1Bm/s Q) What is 1000x faster & stronger than light? A) Force (equilibrium?) < space < vacuum//gust/blow < light - neurons? notes: c to power c recurred. 3.14. vacuum dome// not hole, tunnel, // a development of arc 3D. strength~might? 43d/c~ (/*1024) 21.5d / c*2 10.75d / c*4 5.375d / c*8 2.6875d / c*16 52h 22m / c*32 6th of d =4h 80th of d= 0.3hr/20mins 800th of d = 0.03hr = 2m? =48h 4hr 22m 26h 11m / c * 64 13h 5.5m / c*128 6h 32m 45s / c * 256 3h 16m 23s / c*512 1h 38m 13s / c* 1024 . . . 49m 6s / c*2048 24m 33s / c*4096 12m 16s / c *8192 6m 8s / c*16384 3m 4s / c*32768 1m 32s / c*65536 46s / c*131072 23s/ c*262144 12s/ c*522288 6s/ c*1M+ 3s 1s ~5M can you travel quicker than instantly - no. if you distance to travel is 1105.44trMiles then you cannot travel faster than 1105.44trmiles/second? (c*5M+~) Q) If 188ly is 188 years of light or = to speed//distance of light is ~300M miles distance away but 188 years advance or before the current location but years of light. if you exceed light is it still 188 years? no. but what is that? yes we are closer in advancement and also measurement changes. electric on large quantum scale. as well as magnetism. stronger but not always than a vacuum in outer space. space = light right? its like x m/h/d x=what it is that exceeds light like vacuum or electric magnet etc. Q) what is an electromagnetic minute. radiation? electromagnetic radiation travels at near or same as speed of light. --- further research between difference of light and electric magnets radiating electromagnet*light? how to turn up the electromagnetic radiation so you can see it. electromagnetic amplification. no. If on a colour spectrum and frequency scale space is blue and stars are red Black gives off white. And Black progresses from light . burn red. Also note purple electromagnetics wave/particle the rain drops on the window of the bus at the top at the front rebound off the window and move across and above which appears unnatural – it is an advancement in speed. It defys breaks laws of gravity. Speed defys gravity. Speed is energy. It is a force no it is more than these both. It is decision. How fast do neurons travel at? Is thought faster than light? Height is not north why do we call north in the pole (iron filing diagram) as it enters/exits north pole and is height above pole. And also axis. Pole shift. C=300Mm/s E=m*csq to a second? // 900Mm/s E=force (mass of element //density) - fuel E= 1t by 900Mm Mass=density let m=100 m is g/t/kg Why is speed of light 300mm/s it just simply is not miles or seconds that’s like weighing a hotdog by its colour and shape. From star to plane is 300Mmiles distance and we are not only limited to count and that of seconds. 300mm to a square to a chair and to water , It could be to anything so here I ask to take into consideration that the measures we have for “time” is wrong due to inaccurate starting and ending places. And to take into consideration the human body and vessel and elements potentially that are present in the scenario. The example being: You want to calculate the speed or distance or mass or shape or material etc of vessel or objects involved or duration//? Be it this is not needed to be calculated. Only distance is the most important it is where!! (Where) it starts. Example: you have 1 vessel and 1 human of accurate measures willing to distance that of 1sx M to gather resources yada. The distance to be travelled if the first to calculate. And this will then determine your speed – have it all relative to 1 plane hr-day of home plane. Not exceeded and also intentionally determined to be as sped as instantaneous. Ergo. 1sxM instantaneously is equal to 1sxM/s – next is fuel or energy and mass. MASS – mass of energy, mass of objects carried and cargo incl vessel and human – then to integrate mass of energy. Elements beyond the periodic table: heavy elements? Like uranium and plutonium these are dense/massful/strong substances more dense/strength=more 1.1Mkm r 300Mmi/s c 400Mkm/s c * 10ly:1Bmi/s 1ly:100Mmi/s 3ly:300Mmi/s 3ly:400Mkm/s Moon 2000km D 1.3? 2? * 1mi to km 0.8mi to 1km 1.3 1.4 C=piD D=pi/C? c/pi 3000mi to 4000km 3:4 12000km C 3-4000km~ D?